Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hello All,
I stumbled upon a story on CNN's website. It's about The Bilson family and their quest for help in coping with their thirteen year old daughter Marissa. Like Malik, Marissa is a child with Autism.
Marissa's parents are having difficulty dealing with her so they enlisted the help of an organization called Autism Partnership (AP).
I thought this could be a chance for you all 2 c first hand into the lives of one family who has a child with Autism.
click on link below:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sandra, thank you so much for sharing all of this with your friends and family. Although we are all really close, we are so far away and really miss spending time with you all and growing with Malik. I think we all needed to hear your story in your words. I do rememeber Malik's first birthday party when he screamed at the top of his lungs when we sang happy birthday to him. Me an mommy just silently looked at each other knowing deeply that something was wrong, but not sure what. We love you and want to support you and shawn anyway we can.

