Friday, February 20, 2009


Yesterday, I had our annual IEP (Individualized Education Program) meeting w/Malik's 2 teachers Ms.Mcfadden& Ms Jalliett. Alot of his goals we set for the beginning of the year he's met them or is almost to the point of meeting them. I am really interested in getting Malik 2the point where he can be as independent as possible. My biggest concern 4him is not 2let anyone take advantage of his non-verbal status. I want 2concentrate more on his life skills. My dream is Malik gettin 2the point where he can take care of his personal, living, and financial needs 2the best of his ability. I no it takes time & he is definitely a work in progress! Our IEP meeting proved he is on his way 2turning my dreams into reality...
For instance, the goal set for him 2improve using his augmentative device &computer keyboard 4typing words was 70% he is at 50%, his ability 2comprehend &express vocabulary relative to classroom activites, personal management/vocation/leisure/community using his augmentative communication device was set a 60% he is @40%, Malik's ability 2add money amounts using a calculator was set @90% he is currently @70%, his ability 2shop from a list was set at 70% he is doing this task @50%.
Malik is also doing well Academically. In math he can do basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication on a simple calculator, in Science he is also doing well, he participates in simple experiments at school, he does english assisgnments on a program called: news2you, the program is designed 2aid in his english skills, the same news2you program also helps him with his social studies skills it helps him identify current people/events that r going on in the world.
So, the IEP meeting was good I'm glad he is doing well he still has a few months until school is out so, hopefully more of his goals will be met.
Another personal goal of mine would entail Malik interacting more with his peers. This summer I will sign him up 4horseback riding lessons and maybe a basketball program or anything that will enforce interaction with others outside of our family. He definitely needs 2get out of his little comfort zone! I no he has the potential 2do anything ....Malik will meet all his goals I guarentee it! Watch him, and I will be sure 2post it when he has his next IEP meeting !!!


  1. It's so good to hear how he's doing in school. I have no doubt that Malik will be able to take care of himself and be independent. He's already runnin' you and Shawn. :) lol

    I just luv this blog! Thank you.
    Grandma & Mother-in-law

  2. I think it's so fascinating at all you're doing in raising your son. I left another comment, but I'm not for sure if you got it or not. Are you signed up for the autism walk? If so, I want to join you. Let me know:-)
    ~Cassandra (Davis)
